order of payment
- 付款凭单,付款委托

The order of payment can be sent and reach the debtor .
And ( 2 ) the order of payment can be served on the debtor .
And , with it , the order of payment shall automatically cease to be in force and the creditor may bring a suit .
The depositor 's checks received by the bank during the period could accompany the bank statement , perhaps arranged in the order of payment .
Where the debtor fails to raise objections in writing and refuses to carry out the order of payment , the creditor may request the people 's court to execute the order .
In case the SPC issues asset-backed securities with different types and durations in accordance with the asset securitization plan , the order of priority in payment of the holders of different asset-backed securities shall be set forth in the asset securitization plan .
The Agitation Raised by the Order of Suspensing of Specie Payment in1916 was one of the famous agitations in modern financial history .
In the real life , as the written form of basis for entries , vouchers exist in various occasions , such as vouchers , invoices , documents , such as the transfer certificates , invoice vouchers , order certificates , proof of payment and so on .